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Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form


Applied Science


BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate and Extended Diploma

Exam Board


Entry Requirements

5 GCSEs including English Language and Mathematics at grades 5 - 9.

You will also require a grade 6 in science.

Course Overview

This course is aimed at individuals who have a keen interest in science but also love problem solving and finding solutions to complex questions. Science plays a pivotal role in the world; something we’ve all been reminded of recently. 

This two-year study programme will give you the opportunity to develop skills and experiences that will help you to pursue a career in the vast world of science. Science shapes the future, this course will enable you to uncover both natural and social science skills - providing a theoretical and practical feel for this progressive field of study. As well as learning many new skills you’ll find that your communication skills develop. Professional presentation is a vital skill for any scientist. Learning how to assemble and process data while being articulate about your findings will be central to your learning with us. Subjects span natural science and social science, providing a theoretical and practical feel for this progressive field of study.

Modules include principles and applications of science, science investigation skills, genetics and genetic engineering and contemporary issues in science.

You will receive guidance and support to understand your potential career opportunities, and visit a number of institutions and experience guest speakers to support this process.

Assessment Methods

This is a BTEC and comprises a mixture of internal and external assessment dependent on the level of study you complete.

The ‘Extended Certificate’ has three mandatory units, one internal and two external.

The ‘National Extended Diploma’ has seven mandatory units, three internal and four external

QE6 Extras / Co-Curriculum Opportunities

Trips and visits to support learning.

Speakers and Q&A with different industry professionals.


Many students continue on to Higher Education at University for further study in broad or specific sciences. Students can also take an alternative route into their career through higher level apprenticeship, including scientific research opportunities.